Business > Flexible computing

Flexible computing

Cost-effective virtual machines to host your applications

You no longer need onsite physical servers to host your applications. With Flexible Computing, you can now use easily scalable virtual machines customized to the requirements of your business.

Who needs Flexible Computing?

  • Developers looking for servers to host IS solutions such as gaming/office tools and web applications since your solutions will need more processing power in the future but right now, you want to start small.
  • Start-up company looking for lower costs IT solutions which can grow with the business.
  • A large enterprise with multiple and complex IT needs and looking for agile but cost-effective solutions meeting its stringent security requirements.

What are the key benefits?

  • No significant upfront capital investment.
  • Virtual machines with configurable resources like CPU, RAM and elastic storage.
  • On-demand capacity.
  • Self-service portal to easily manage the virtual infrastructure.
  • Choice of managed high bandwidth end to end connectivity to access the cloud on private, public and hybrid environments.
  • Monitoring and alerting options with online reports as well as sms and email alerts.
  • A range of additional services for your virtual machines ranging from IP addresses, virtual firewalls to SSL VPN access.

flexible computing


For queries: 8901

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