my.t fixed to my.t fixed

Fixed Telephone Line * Normal Hours Off Peak (20h30 - 06h30)
1st indivisible minute Rs 0.85 Rs 0.60
additional second Rs 0.01 Rs 0.01

my.t fixed to other fixed operators

Fixed Telephone Line* Normal Hours Off Peak (20h30 - 06h30)
1st indivisible minute Rs 0.85 Rs 0.60
additional second Rs 0.01 Rs 0.01

The first minute or less are charged at Rs 0.85 or Rs 0.60 depending on the time and after 1 minute, the charges are at Rs 0.01 per second.

my.t fixed to my.t mobile & other mobile operators

Fixed Telephone Line* Normal Hours Off Peak (20h30 - 06h30)
first minute Rs 1.45 Rs 1.45
additional second Rs 0.02 Rs 0.02

The first minute or less are charged at Rs 1.45 and after 1 minute, the charges are at Rs 0.02 per second.

* Calls exclude special numbers (150, 152, 303xxxx, 302xxxx, 301xxxx etc)

Monthly Rental for Residential Customers: Rs 90